Set 5 years after the events of Return of The Jedi, Disney's first live action Star Wars series follows the Mandalorian as the title character on his journeys in the outer reaches of the universe to retrieve "The Child".
The exclusive and limited edition collection is perfect for the millions of people that have been engrossed in these adventures and following the sell out of our exclusive Mandalorian Boxset, we are confident this collection will be highly sought after.
Featured in this limited edition collection are 12 silver plated commemoratives that each bring to life a popular character in vivid full colour on the reverse, including the iconic character "The Child".
This exciting collection has been produced under official license from Lucasfilm with the Mandalorian logo centred on each obverse.
FREE with your collection you will also receive over £99 of gifts - a supersized 24-carat gold plated commemorative, a supersized .999 silver plated commemorative and a themed Collector Album to house your collection. You will also receive an individually numbered certificate of authenticity.
There are just 9,999 available worldwide, a tiny amount considering the millions of fans! So don't miss out on this one of a kind collection.